Our projects

Project "Provision of psychosocial support services in Sumy region"

1. Project Goal: Establish a network of experts in communities through offline training and strengthen the capacity of local psychologists and other social work, education, and youth work professionals in providing psychological assistance in communities. 2. Target Audience: Communities affected by armed conflict or located in conflict zones. Social sector professionals, educators, and youth leaders. Vulnerable population groups residing in affected communities or communities experiencing armed conflict. 3. Project Activities: Development of the educational program “Community Psychological Resilience Model.” Organization and implementation of a 3-day training on “Community Psychological Resilience Model” for 24 experts in 6 communities, working with social work, education, and youth leaders. Conducting trainings on “Community Psychological Resilience Model” for 960 social sector professionals, educators, and youth leaders in territorial communities. Providing psychosocial support by experts in territorial communities to their colleagues (social work and education representatives, youth) and affected populations. 4. Project Geography: Ukraine, Sumy region…

Project "Opening emergency rooms for medical and psychological assistance to women victims of gender-based violence"

1. Project Goal: Providing free specialized medical-psychological assistance to victims of gender-based violence. 2. Target Audience: Women who have suffered from gender-based violence, women with disabilities. 3. Project Activities: Opening and equipping barrier-free / GVB (gender-based violence) rooms with modern medical equipment (including accessible for women with disabilities) at local medical facilities – 2-4 rooms in various regions of Ukraine. Implementing an informational campaign to inform more local residents and internally displaced women affected by the war about the network of such rooms where they can receive free services if needed. 4. Project Geography: Ukraine (Ternopil, Cherkasy, Chernihiv, Sumy, Zhytomyr, Ivano-Frankivsk regions). 5. Donor: Ukrainian Women’s Fund supported by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

Project "Ukrainian Educational Consortium for Emergency Response: Safe Return to Education"

1. Project Goal: Enhancing the level of social-psychological competencies among children and adults in the de-occupied territories through conducting group and individual psychological sessions aimed at acquiring new social-psychological skills. 2. Target Audience: Students and teachers of schools in the de-occupied Lebedyn community. 3. Project Activities: Individual and group counseling sessions, psychological trainings, psychosocial support. 4. Project Geography: City of Lebedyn. 5. Donor: “People in Need” (Людина в біді).

Project "Responding to the multidisciplinary humanitarian needs of the conflict-affected and displaced population" by ACTED Ukraine

1. Project Goal: Meeting food and heating needs. 2. Target Audience: Vulnerable population groups: internally displaced persons (IDPs), persons with disabilities, people residing in communities affected by conflict. 3. Project Activities: Distribution of food kits, hot meals, and winterization kits among vulnerable population groups in territorial communities of Sumy region. 4. Project Geography: Territorial communities of Bilopillia, Lebedyn, Konotop, Romny, Krasnopillia, Trostianets, Sumy in Sumy region. 5. Donor: Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund (UHF) – United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).